


The Beautiful Union of Science, Philosophy and Religion

The book begins with a deep questioning of many of our core assumptions and reveal that, in fact, they have a fragile basis. Targets include our limited senses, our reasoning and the 'point-valued' approach. Chapters then begin to engage in a more constructive, 'volume-value' approach, particularly in addressing the problem of consciousness that has a myriad of expressions. With this model, many questions are answered and at the same time new light cast upon science, philosophy and religion, renewing the integrity and impetus of knowledge gathering. This approach offers new ways of looking at the world, useful, not just for scientists and other professional seekers, but for everyone.


In Theory

The final article of a series of three by Paul Ellson, author of The Beautiful Union of science, philosophy and religion.


Although we are merely one tiny element in one star system amongst millions of stars that reside in just one galaxy amongst millions of galaxies, whether looking for signs of life out there in the cosmos or for the secrets of life around us, we quite naturally look from a human perspective. But why believe that our expectations, our methods of investigation, the ‘objective’ techniques, our limited senses and limited intelligence, are able to define what life is? The signs of life that we recognise may be too narrow in definition; we may be missing the real thing, right here. Conversely, it may even be that life on this planet, right down to the building blocks, is a local mutation so different from the real thing, the universal norm, that we can neither seek that norm nor know it. Nevertheless, driven by our innate curiosity, we advance our anthropocentric enquiries across the board.


An additional post:

In the wake of the Scottish independence referendum, I feel moved to post this draft blueprint for social evolution. We already have the knowledge and the technology to help create an evolutionary social organisation but its potential is being ignored.

Decentralisation and Cooperation

- A Blueprint for Social Evolution


For thousands of years, human beings have fought each other in all-out war, often led by those who either wished to become, or remain as, the controlling elite. Thankfully, nowadays, people who are willing to wreck havoc for their own selfish gain are recognised as sociopaths. They have an antisocial personality, a disorder characterised by selfishness and disregard for other people’s rights. Unfortunately, we have inherited a social infrastructure that is based upon their acquisitive and suppressive behaviour. This social structure was designed and developed for their benefit and, in order to guarantee income and control for the elite, over the centuries, layer upon layer of legislation has led to a system of unmanageable complexity.

Decentralisation and Cooperation